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A sad, silly drunkard.
Party Member
Full Name Birdie Nash Hall
Nickname Birdie
Class Drunkard
Equip Types
Weapon Types Wristband
Armor Types Accessory / Poncho / Hat
Skill Types Skills
Target Rate 100%
Evasion 5%
Hit Rate 95%
Crit Chance 4%
Drunk * 200%

Joy Addict (Definitive Edition)

"Attay boy!!! Say... I like you bud... I love you! You're good people! Who needs family... I don't need them anymooore! Buds for life!"

Birdie is an alcoholic found inbetween the Area 2 Crossroads and Bob's Dojo. He is found in a bar, lamenting about the loss of his family and his new passion, booze.


Name: Birdie Nash Hall

Fighting Art: Zui Quan

Past Occupation: Dock Worker

Likes: Numbing the Pain

Favorite Food: Whiskey

Most Hated Thing: Being a Failure

Birdie Nash used to be the single father of his two boys, Joey and Jimmy. Joey died from an illness that couldn't be treated on a dock workers budget. Jimmy committed suicide shortly after. The death of his children drove Birdie to alcoholism.

Appearance and Personality[]

Birdie Bio

Birdie is an alcoholic found at a bar, which he bought all the liquor from. He wears a small hat and red shawl. During battles, he is almost always drunk. Despite lamenting the loss of his sons regularly, he says he doesn't need his family.

How to Invite to Party[]

Birdie Bio 2

In order to invite Birdie to Brad's party, you need to give him Olathian Whiskey.

One way to do this quickly is to head over to Bob's Dojo and head east to Morty's Yard Sale. Buy the Weird Doll for 32 mags and give it to the guy above the shop, then he will give you Olathian Whiskey.

Alternatively, you can head over to the bar at either Muddy Waters or Skull Town, and they will both sell Olathian Whiskey.

Once you have obtained the whiskey, give it to Birdie and he will join Brad's party.


Birdie is an interesting party member with a diverse palette of skills. By default, he has a skill called Gasoline Spit, which oils up enemies and makes them extremely weak to fire attacks, as well as making them blind. He also has Secret Stash, which can heal the entire party. Additionally, his Drunkard Tumble skills can deal decent damage, although he may miss often, given he's almost always drunk in battle, decreasing his hit rate by 30%. Additionally, being drunk decreases his evasion by 20%, making him more vulnerable to being hit by attacks.

Birdie's main drawback is that he does not have a normal attack, but instead Swig, which has him take a swig of alcohol and become drunk. Since he uses TP instead of SP, he sometimes needs to use Swig for multiple turns in order to replenish his TP gauge. In the Definitive Edition update, he now suffers from Joy Addiction as well, making him a lot less useful as a damage dealer whenever he's suffering from withdrawal.

Overall, even with his drawbacks, Birdie can be extremely useful. His Gasoline Spit can help take down enemies very quickly, especially since oiled up targets take 350% more damage when hit with a fire attack. Because of this, Birdie goes well with party members with fire attacks, such as Terry. Using Gasoline Spit alongside Terry's Hottest Dance can deal up to 25,000 damage to enemies.


Skill Name Description Level Learned TP Cost
Drunkard Tumble It's hard to keep balance when you're drunk. Use that to your advantage. 1 5
Drinks on Me! Share your alcohol! Causes Drunkness. 1 5
Gasoline Spit Spit highly flammable liquid all over your opponent. 10 10
Drunkard Tumble 2 It's hard to keep balance when you're drunk. Use that to your advantage. 12 10
Secret Stash A little medicine from Daddy. Heals HP. 14 15
Drunkard Tumble 3 It's hard to keep balance when you're drunk. Use that to your advantage. 16 15
Pass Out pass out and fully recover HP. 19 5
Lil' Diddy Sing a happy little diddy. Cures many things. 22 15
Drunkard Tumble 4 It's hard to keep balance when you're drunk. Use that to your advantage. 24 20


Statistics analysis

Core Statistics
16 1441 370 53 52 26 26 59 98

Battle Quotes[]

Win Quotes[]

Level Quotes[]

Drop Quotes[]

  • Blaaaah...
  • Joey... Jimmy... I miss you boys.
  • Eeeeegh...
  • My head is killing me...
  • Oh... Whoooa! Lookie there!!!

Campfire Dialogue[]

While appearing in the campfire scene betwen Fardy, Ollie, and Percy, he never gets to actually say anything.

Default Equipment[]



  • Birdie succeeds in support with his Gasoline Spit, Secret Stash and Lil' Diddy, but can be a bit wonky in offense when drunk.


  • In an interview, Birdie was confirmed as an homage to the movie Drunken Master 2.[1]
  • Birdie's full name, Birdie Nash Hall, may be a reference to professional wrestlers Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.
  • There's a rumor about Birdie not taking fall damage, regardless of him being in the active formation or not. It is, however, false, and most likely comes from a belief regarding drunk people rolling with falls and tumbles (car crashes are another good example), often times not being hurt much at all.
  • Birdie is one of the three party members Dingaling completed the game with, along with Shocklord and Carp.[2]
  • Birdie's fighting style, Zuì Quán, is a martial art known as Drunk Boxing, rather appropriate for Birdie's character. It's also Austin Jorgensen's specialty.
  • In the early version of LISA, Birdie had a skill that involved getting the enemy drunk and then making them pass out. Another unused skill was one where Birdie pukes, removing the Drunk status effect but making him Hungover. His weapon would been a sub-machine gun called the "pellet-blaster". Additionally, Birdie would have also learned a move from the poison scroll, where he could puke venom.
  • He was one of the first party members present in the beta's game files, alongside Tiger Man.
  • When asked what he would have picked as his favorite thing and food before he became an alcoholic, Austin responded with:[3]
    • Likes: The floor. Laying on it and being close to it. Favorite food: Nuts Most hated thing: The memories that led him to drinking.

