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He wears a paint can on his head.
Party Member
Full Name Unknown
Nickname Buckets
Class Pistoleer
Equip Types
Weapon Types Handgun / Six Shooter
Armor Types Accessory / Paint Can / Poncho / Shawl
Skill Types Skills
Target Rate 200%
Evasion 5%
Hit Rate 95%
Crit Chance 4%
Lock Equip Head
Slot Type: Dual Wield
Joy Addict

Buckets is a character found around the Roulette Building. If Brad wins Roulette 10 times, Buckets will force himself into Brad's party.


Name: Buckets

Fighting Art: Pistoleer

Past Occupation: Nomad

Likes: Gambling

Favorite Food: None

Most Hated Thing: Security & Comfort


Appearance and Personality[]


Buckets is a very enigmatic man, with a red coat, brown long sleeve shirt, red wristbands, and a paint can over his head with one eye hole. He seems to have very high skills with pistols and a history with gambling. So little is known about him that not even his bio can make heads or tails of what his deal is, merely being filled with questions instead of answers. His bio mentions his most hated thing is security and comfort, so it's likely he actively seeks out life threatening activities to satisfy himself, hence why he's looming over the Russian Roulette building- one of the most dangerous games you could partake in. In other words, Buckets is a thrill seeker and a gambling addict to the highest degree. This plays into two of his skills, being a classic coin flip manuever, a most prolific gambling move that relies solely on luck.

How to invite to party[]


Buckets can be found above the Roulette Building. You will firstly find him around Area 2 after you are forced to play 3 rounds of Roulette.

To get back there, head west from Area 2 and jump down the cliff to the left. You will take no fall damage. Once in the cave, head up, go west, and you will be back at the Roulette Building.

Buckets can be seen on the building. Inside the Roulette Building, Brad can pay 50 mags to take part in Russian Roulette. Each victory will multiply the gains from the Roulette, resulting in 600 mags and the Sunsetter, one of the most useful guns in the game, on the tenth win.


After the tenth win, Buckets will appear on the bridge to the right of the building and will force himself into Brad's party.


Buckets is the only party member to have two weapon slots and uses two guns to fight. He is capable of dealing devastating amounts of damage. Bullet Tap is a very powerful multi-hit skill that he has by default, and Heads of Tails can also deal massive damage.

Buckets has low health and a weak stun move, but his main drawback is that he suffers from Joy withdrawal occasionally, which greatly hinders his attack power. Additionally, if Buckets does take Joy, it doesn't actually increase his attack power, as none of his moves can crit.


Skill Name Description Level Learned MP Cost
Coin Flick A bold move. Scares opponents. 5 10
Bullet Tap A series of shots to the body. 10 15
Clip Dump Unload a clip into your enemy. 15 15
Bullet Shuffle An array of bullets sent flying. 20 20
Bullet Tornado A tornado of bullets. 21 35
Bullet Dance An array of bullets sent flying. 22 30
Heads or Tails A fate deciding coin toss... 50/50 chance of success. 23 30
Bullet Ballet An array of bullets sent flying. 24 40


Statistics analysis

Core Statistics
16 896 193 29 38 35 35 99 98

Battle Quotes[]

Win Quotes[]

Level Quotes[]

Drop Quotes[]

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

Default Equipment[]



  • To recruit Buckets without losing any party members, use the "Save Scum" method by resetting your game when the companion you gamble dies. This cannot be done in Pain Mode. However, if you properly manage your Save Crows throughout Pain Mode, you can simply try to win two or more rounds and go to an unused Save Crow. Do that four more times and you'll get Buckets safely with your party members alive.


  • Buckets has his own Roulette sprite, but it's impossible to see in-game, because you cannot play the roulette after killing all opponents. Though its most likely either a failsafe incase buckets was obtained early or there's an original method of hiring Buckets.
  • Austin claims that Bucket's sprites were the hardest to draw [1]
  • In an unused shirtless sprite, Buckets has remarkably pale skin and scars on his arms.
  • Buckets is rarely used, much like Buffalo or Crisp, due to people not wanting to partake in Russian Roulette past the forced interaction.
    • According to the game's global steam achievements, Buckets is the least recruited party member, as only 8.5% of players have his achievement.
  • The fact that Buckets does not actually gain any attack from using Joy is likely for balancing reasons, at least specifically for Buckets' case. His attack is so high, giving them crit chance would basically one-shot most enemies and potentially bosses.
  • Heads or Tails actually has a 70/30 chance of success, despite what the description says.
  • Buckets is almost entirely silent. The one exception is if he takes up your second character slot, to which at the end of the game he'll unfortunately say "The girl is ours." after the typical "...".

