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A former football player. He played so rough, that he lost his eye on the field...
Party Member
Full Name Buffalo Van Dyke
Nickname Buffalo
Class Sportsman
Equip Types
Weapon Types Wristband
Armor Types Accessory / Manly / Patch
Skill Types Skills
Target Rate 200%
Evasion 5%
Hit Rate 95%
Lock Equip Head
"...I'll be dipped! YOU'RE the guy kicking everyone's ass for that chick? God damn... This is more bullshit than that bum call in '82!"

Buffalo (Buff in short) is a Party Member found during the main story of LISA: THE PAINFUL. He is an ex-football player and enjoys living in the past. He is a Warlord of Olathe, ranked #7 on the The List.


Name: Buffalo Van Dyke

Fighting Art: American Power Tackles

Past Occupation: Pro Football Player

Likes: The Pride of the Game

Favorite Food: Steak

Most Hated Thing: Other Countries

An American Football star, he was adored by the people, but hated by officials due to his violent tendencies. He uncovered a secret league of businessmen controlling the outcome of the games. He was soon fired from his team and had his eye ripped out. He then retreated to the mountains to perfect his tackle.

Appearance and Personality[]

Buffalo Preview1

Buffalo is an American Football star who seems to be attempting to find a crew worthy of his past. He dons an eye-patch for his lost eye and American Football gear. His loyalty is usually to the strongest team he can get to.

How to invite to party[]

Buffalo Preview2

Buffalo is impossible to miss. Once you have reached Snow and climbed up most of the mountain, you will meet Buffalo. Defeat him and his crew and he will join Brad's party.


As Buffalo is found later in the game, his use may be limited. His skills mainly revolve around tripping, and therefore are very effective against most non-Joy mutant enemies, as most often they are immune to Fallen. He is a fast character that can take a hit, and because of such qualities, he can be used to be a character to use healing items quickly.

However Buffalo lacks in diversity, as all his skills are just stronger versions of each other. And some of his skills can inflict the fallen effect, but enemies like Joy Mutants are immune to them. However his biggest drawback is that he's found at the part of the game where a whole 3 enemies are fought (If you followed the order the game intended), and here's the kicker: all of these enemies are optional.

A good team for Buffalo to be most effective would be a team with others who inflict more status moves, such as Ajeet, RT, or Fly.


Skill Name Description Level Learned TP Cost
American Tornado A common football maneuver. 1 5
Savage Rush Channel the spirit of the buffalo. 15 10
Boulder Screw A momentum based body screw. 20 10
Barbaric Rush Channel the spirit of the buffalo. 22 15
Lumberjack Tackle A fundamental football maneuver. Knocks people over. 25 30
Rubble Screw A momentum based body screw. 25 15
Satan Rush Channel the spirit of the buffalo. 25 20
Mountain Screw A momentum based body screw. 25 20
Patriot Exploder The greatest tribute to the greatest country. 25 40


Core Statistics
20 1400 280 37 60 60 40 93 80

Battle Quotes[]

Win Quotes[]

Level Quotes[]

Drop Quotes[]

  • Good hustle!
  • Tackle power!!!
  • Let's work on a new gameplan.

Campfire Dialogue[]

He doesn't have any.

Default Equipment[]

Battle Stats[]

Buffalo Van Dyke
Battler Buffalo Van Dyke
Enemy information
HP 20000 ATK 500
SP 8888 DEF 15
SATK 25 AGI 99
Exp 5000 Mags 0
Item Drops
1/3 chance of Mystery Jerky
1/3 chance of Empty Bottle
1/9 chance of Fancy Perfume
Cross Chop Always 3
Tackle Always 5
Stiff Arm Always 5
Neck Break Always 1



  • Due to his availability coming very late into the game, combined with the fact that Brad Armstrong and other party members already possess high-power tripping moves, Buffalo is outclassed by most other characters in most specifics, making him arguably one of the least useful party members at in the game due to his lack of support skills, utility and crowd control moves. At best, Buffalo can ideally be reserved as an emergency damage dealer should one of Brad's party members die.


  • Buffalo Van Dyke's battle theme is 'War Season'.
  • In The Joyful, Buffalo's name is crossed out on The List.
  • According to a comment from Dingaling, Buffalo's character is based off of Steven Armstrong from the videogame Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
    • The most obvious reference to this is when Buffalo states that he "played college ball" during your first encounter with him
  • When Buffalo is recruited, there's very few encounters left in the game to use him in. As such, many players often don't use him due to already having a solid team, similar to the treatment Crisp Ladaddy and Clint Olympic get as a result; Neglected or used to gain progress in the Russian Roulette.
  • Buffalo is one of 4 characters that Brad needs to add to his party in order to progress, the other 3 being Terry, Fardy, and Percy.
  • There is a unused sprite of Buffalo before the Flash where both of his eyes are intact.
  • It's possible to defeat Buffalo at Snow and obtain EXP at the end of the battle, but Buffalo must play his defeat animation first then entering his enraged phase (normally the battle ends when his 4 men are already defeated and Buffalo enters his enraged phase) This can net total of 6200 EXP. Buffalo will still join you at the end of battle.
  • Buffalo has the most skills learned at level 25 of any character.
  • Buffalo's moves (including his tackles, body screws, and Patriot Exploder) may draw inspiration from Brian Battler, another football-themed fighter, from the King of Fighters series.
  • Although his description in game says he lost his eye on the field, his bio states he had it ripped out by a secret league of businessmen.