Once Buddy has defeated all 6 Warlords, Lardy Hernandez, Vega Van Dam, Mr. Beautiful, Dice Mahone, Sindy Gallows and Big Lincoln, she will be returned to the List one last time, in order for her to face the true leader of Olathe.
Endings Overview[]
Before the spoilers are displayed below, there are three endings and three epilogue dialogues you can receive. Additionally, in Definitive Edition only, a fourth variant of the ending is obtainable, along with a unique epilogue, though the process is much more complicated.
The endings are result of a final choice from Buddy, once being modified as to whether Bolo was attacked by Sweetheart:
- INOCULATED ENDING: Take the Antidote
- MUTATED ENDING 1: Don't let Rando go after killing Dice Mahone and Sindy Gallows and don't take the antidote
- MUTATED ENDING 2: Let Rando go after killing Dice Mahone and Sindy Gallows and don't take the antidote
- FLOWERING ENDING (Definitive Edition Only): Have the Flowering Skull in your inventory and never take Joy, then take the Vaccine.
Epilogues Overview[]
Once the ENDING has been shown, a final EPILOGUE will be shown. The three epilogues are accessed as follows:
- NORMAL EPILOGUE: Do not see Brad's hallucination below and do not visit the Joy Lab
- LISA EPILOGUE: Do not see Brad's hallucination below and visit the Joy Lab. Overrides the NORMAL ENDING
- MARTY EPILOGUE: See Brad's hallucination below while the Joy Mask is worn. Overrides LISA EPILOGUE.
- FLOWER EPILOGUE (Definitive Edition Only): Have the Flowering Skull in your inventory and never take Joy, then take the Vaccine (same requirements as the Flowering Ending). Overwrites all other epilogues.
Ending Walkthrough[]
Before continuing to the left, if you wish to experience the Marty Epilogue, visit the area between the Area 1 Crossroads and Area 2 Crossroads where Rando fell and interact with the hallucination of Brad.
Buddy has killed all of the Warlords and has become the most powerful person in Olathe. An odd trumpet can be heard in the distance. To the west, this can be seen to be Dr. Yado, surprised that Buddy has not yet turned into a Joy Mutant. He continues to play his trumpet, ordering Sweetheart to attack.
Partway into the fight, Buzzo breaks up the fight and defends her from Sweetheart. He tells her about the Vaccine Yado has, and rushes her to go fight him, taking on Sweetheart himself.
Buddy runs to the left to find Dr. Yado, perched on a throne of Joy Mutants, seating himself as king of Olathe. He is surprised that Buddy survived Sweetheart's attack -- being against his plan. Buddy starts pressing him for questions, and he refuses, weakly threatening to kill her. She calls him pathetic, and engages in combat with the throne. Yado hesitates to fight back, spending most of the fight stalling. As Buddy continues to attack him, her head starts to hurt, fueling her Joy induced rage, similar to that of Brads at the end of LISA: THE PAINFUL.
Once Yado is attacked enough, Buddy hallucinates a vision of Rando with a flower attached to him. Rando will cry and hug Buddy as she continues to attack him.
- "Good luck sis"
- ―Hallucination of Rando
Buddy will black out and have a flashback of herself and Brad -- promising that she will be able to go out for the first time. Upon a sea of blood and flowers, is Brad, covered in scars as he was at the end of PAINFUL, with flowers in place of the arrows. A man that she hates and sees as a failure -- yet the man that loved and protected her.
Buddy engages in combat with the vision of Brad, experiencing memories of him and his slow decline over the years. He has no attacks in this sequence, even having moves that heal Buddy instead of harming her.
- "Buddy. Yep, Buddy. That was the best I could come up with. Well, it's simple. You're my little Buddy. I always called you that when you were a baby. I guess it just stuck. Brad and Buddy. It sounds good to me. "
- ―
- "Stop. Don't call me that. I don't like it. My name is brad, okay? Call me Brad... "
- ―
- "What? A boy named Dusty? Who told you that? What did I tell you about asking questions you idiot. Don't you dare go near your uncles again you hear me? I have no son, never did. "
- ―
- "You have to know this Buddy. I was completely lost before I found you. You made me feel things I'd never felt before... You showed me what love really is. And that's why when I look into your eyes, it's the scariest feeling in the world. It's why I buried myself so deep into the darkness. But, I promise you, I tried so hard to fight it. I tried. And no matter what, I really did love you with all my heart. I'm so sorry I failed you, Buddy. I miss you so much."
- ―
After Yado's throne is defeated, he laments his defeat and leaves behind the Antidote and flees. Of course, Buddy pursues him.
Entering the cave seen early in the game will show another hallucination of Brad holding Rando's mask. Upon approach he will fade away.
Upon approaching Yado, Buddy demands him to answer her questions regrading what is going on. Yado refuses. Buddy threatens him further. Yado reveals his name to her, and claims that he is a man of science -- a man of 'Higher power'. He claims that this is 'his world' and that Buddy is his pawn. He reveals that Buddy has been 'engineered' by him, and that he is her father, and she must obey him. Suddenly, a sword comes flying from the side and strike Yado, causing him to collapse into the pit behind him.
Buzzo approaches Buddy, his arm severed and his body bloodied. He says he knew Buddy didn't need his help, but just didn't want her listening to Yado. He laments that Brad was in fact a good person and that what happened to her wasn't his fault. He blames the whole series of events of the effect Lisa had on him after her death, and his desperation to blame everyone but himself. He tells Buddy Yado is just a crazy old man, and it Brad is her real father. He makes sure Buddy has the vaccine, then starts to call out to Lisa, claiming he "did it" before transforming into a mutant and attacking.
In Definitive Edition, if the Flowering Skull is in Buddy's inventory, a slight variant of this scene will play out. When Buzzo claims Lisa would have loved it in Olathe, Buddy will cut off his monologue, calling him a liar. She starts to belittle him over shifting blame to Lisa and how he doesn't know true pain, reflecting on Brad and how much he tried to better himself. Buzzo starts to get defensive, eventually breaking down and talking to Lisa as if she were there with him, shouting at Buddy that she "can't speak to her", implying Buzzo sees visions of Lisa often enough that he still talks to her regularly. This soon turns into Buzzo frantically yelling "I need you" over and over before crying for his mother and binky, finally mutating as normal.
- " Lisa.. I love you. I love you. I love you. Liiiiisa. Help me.
- ― Buzzo mutating
Upon killing Buzzo, Buddy starts to realize the extent to which she is turning. A hallucination of Rando appears over the gap, as well as Brad's mutant form seeming to replace Buzzo's corpse behind her. Buddy starts to panic, saying that she was supposed to have gotten rid of him. She seems to start hallucinating Brad speaking to her, yelling at him "No! I can't!"
The hallucination of Rando starts to tell her that they were wrong about her; that she is strong, and smart, and did it all by herself. His dialogue continues to get more and more eerie, insisting she's a queen and a god, then urging her to stay with him and Brad.
Buddy will be given a choice. Stay with her hallucinations and wallow in the pity she has created or to take the vaccine and move on with her life, putting the pain behind. This choice will change the ending received.
[Leave Them]: Inoculated Ending[]
Upon taking the Vaccine, the credits roll and a clear blue vista can be seen. Buddy's sword lies in the open, stabbed into the ground. A grave with a flower is seen. Whether this grave is meant to be Brad or Buzzo's is unclear. An older Buddy is seen, holding Yado's trumpet. Next to her, Brad is present, though given the sequence before the credits he may still be a hallucination. A small child is seen beside Brad, and Rando's grave marked by his mask lies on the far right. This ending may imply Buddy used Yado's Trumpet to stop the war in Olathe, through appeasing them or though using their power to her advantage. The child's father is currently unknown despite many theories attempting to find out whom it is.
[Join Them]: Mutated Ending[]
Buddy refuses to take the vaccine and stays with Rando, giving into her Joy fueled hallucination. A vista with a red sky is seen as the screen pans to the right. The grave with the flower in the Leave Them ending is not there. Brad's corpse is seen strewn over the area, revealed to have been done by Buddy, transformed into a Joy Mutant next to Rando's body. Brad's torn head is seen to the far right in place of Rando's grave in the Leave Them ending. The last hope of the world, the last woman -- given into Joy with no one left to carry on the human race.
The Mutated Ending has two variants, interestingly. Buddy can be seen holding the child from the Inoculated Ending; if Buddy drops Rando and kills Bolo herself after defeating two Warlords. It is not currently known what this would imply, as it would make more sense for the child to be there if Bolo has 'his way' with her whilst holding Rando, as opposed to the other way around. Adding to this, the child shows up in the Inoculated Ending no matter what Bolo's fate was.
Even more confusing, Definitive Edition contains a variant of the Inoculated Ending with no child-- seen when Rando is dropped and Bolo is killed. This is not changed for the Mutated Ending, keeping the same outcomes as before. Given all of this, it may be assumed this child is entirely unrelated to the Bolo incident.
Buddy, if Buddy holds onto Rando and Bolo is killed by Sweetheart. | Buddy, if Rando is dropped and Bolo is killed by her. |
Flowering Ending (Definitive Edition Only)[]
In Definitive Edition, if the Flowering Skull was obtained and Joy was never taken, a secret variant of the Inoculated Ending can be seen. The same valley from the Inoculated Ending is seen, this time full of flowers. The same graves from the normal Inoculated Ending are also present. In the center of the valley, Buddy sits cuddled up in the arms of a giant grey-haired woman, smiling with her eyes closed. She is also seen wearing her old pink poncho instead of Brad's. Brad is completely absent in this ending, possibly implying he was in fact a hallucination in the normal Inoculated Ending. If borders are turned on, a unique border is used for this ending, looking like the normal outdoors border but lined with flowers.
Obtained by not visiting the Joy Lab and not seeing Brad's hallucination.
- "
Unknown person: This wasn't the plan. I won't let you do this.
Yado: You think you have a say in this?
Unknown person: She's mine, too!
Yado: She's meant for this...
Unknown person: How can you say that?
Yado: I... Am the creator.
Unknown person: What are you talking about?
Yado: With her... I will rule this land.
Unknown person: ... What? What about me?
Yado: You were just a host... I've made her strong... Resilient... Determined...
Unknown person: ... And she is to be your queen?
Yado: Don't be stupid... I created this world, and I will rule it. Alone. She'll spark a war... And anyone left alive will be sorted out by my children. Including her. It's perfect...
Unknown person: You're disgusting.
Yado: And you... You're just a used up bag of flesh... You're not needed anymore, darling.
- ―
Obtained by visiting the Joy Lab and not seeing Brad's hallucination. Overrides the NORMAL EPILOGUE:
- "
Lisa: Did you bring it?
Bernard: Yeah. I found it in my dad's garage.
Lisa: Good...
Bernard: Now what?
Lisa: Use it.
Bernard: What?
Lisa: Yeah, use it.
Bernard: How...?
Lisa: ... Cut its paw off.
Bernard: What? Nn... No. I can't do that.
Lisa: What do you mean?
Bernard: Well... Haven't we done enough? It's so helpless.
Lisa: Do you like me?
Bernard: Of course.
Lisa: Then do it. Do you love me?
Bernard: ...
Lisa: Then do it... And I'll love you back.
[Flash to red]
Lisa: Wow... Is it still alive?
Bernard: ... Yeah.
Lisa: Good. That was good. I think you're ready.
Bernard: ... For what?
Lisa: Cut me.
Bernard: What?!
Lisa: Do it.
Bernard: I can't. No, please no.
Lisa: But, I love you. I need this...
Bernard: I-I can't.
Lisa: This way, he won't want me anymore. Please... Do it. I need this. Only you can save me.
Bernard: ...
- ―
Obtained by seeing Brad's hallucination. Overrides the NORMAL EPILOGUE:
- "
Marty: So you wanna be a man. Be tough... Sick of getting your ass kicked. Well, you don't need all that Karate shit your grandad did. It's worthless. Here, boy. I said, here.
Brad: ...
Marty: Take it!
Brad: ... I don't want it.
Marty: Do as you're told!
[Drinking of alcohol]
Marty: There ya go... Finish it. That's right. Now then. Let's go see your sister...
- ―
FLOWER EPILOGUE (Definitive Edition Only)[]
Obtained by taking the Vaccine with the Flowering Skull in Buddy's inventory while having never taken Joy. Overwrites all other Epilogues.
- "
Brad: You thought I wouldn't notice... You're trying to steal while I'm asleep? Put it down... Now. Before you break it.
Buddy: Don't worry, I'm not stupid. I know it's fragile.
Brad: ... if you wanted to see it, you should have asked.
Buddy: Tch. You would have said "no."
Brad: ...
Buddy: It feels so old and crusty. I don't get it. The way you stare at it...
Brad: ...
Buddy: Why do you have this?
Brad: Just give it back.
Buddy: No. Tell me. Or I'll crush it.
Brad: ... My sis-- Someone close to me would grow these. All around the house I grew up in.
Buddy: So? That's it?
Brad: That's it.
Buddy: I'm crushing it.
Brad: Don't.
Buddy: Tell me more. Please.
Brad: She learned how to grow them from my... Mother.
Buddy: Mother? What's a mother?
Brad: Dammit, Buddy. It's not important. You shouldn't act like this. Just give it back before I-- ... Why are you crying?
Buddy: ... Because. I can tell how much this matters to you. ... So why won't you tell me? I've seen it... The times you run off and spend all day holding it.
Brad: You're told to stay here when I'm away. You shouldn't be sneaking off.
Buddy: Tell me!
Brad: I-- If I tell you. You have to stop crying.
Buddy: ...
Brad: I mean it. We don't cry here.
Buddy: I'm listening.
Brad: Wipe your tears. Okay. Now, hand it over. Or else you get nothing in return.
Buddy: ...
Brad: Good. Now then... It's a reminder. To cope... To heal guilt.
Buddy: ?
Brad: Guilt is... A type of pain you feel. ... For example... When a little girl starts to cry... and you feel sad for her. You want her to feel better. Don't smile. I want to help for a good reason. It's so you can focus on your training. Instead of what I do when I'm supposed to be alone.
Buddy: ...
Brad: Truth is, Buddy. It's something I don't understand. I try to make sense of it everyday.
Buddy: Make sense of what?
Brad: Why they cared so much about gardening... Something like... Pull weeds... Then plant seeds. Weeds are easy to grow, but flowers take hard work... You have to be nurturing.
Buddy: What's nurturing mean? Also... Who is "they?"
Brad: Don't worry about it. How I understand it... This whole gardening thing is like a horse stance.
Buddy: What? Uncle Cheeks told me a bit about gardens... But, gardening is like a horse stance? Flowers don't have legs.
Brad: They do. They're called roots. Which is like many tiny legs.
Buddy: Oh.
Brad: The point is. The horse stance. It's the most boring, painful exercise in martial arts. It's real hard work. That's exactly why you can never neglect it. because it's the thing you want to do the least. But. You need a strong, pure foundation in life... As well as martial arts. The horse stance provides that. Just like you need a strong, pure foundation to grow flowers. Having clean soil. Always pulling weeds. Doing it everday, (sic) without neglect. Otherwise the weeds will grow back. Sometimes they grow back even stronger. Harder to deal with.
Buddy: Okay... This isn't what I expected.
Brad: Buddy. I care about this stuff because I made many mistakes. I hurt a lot of people. I-- I was forced to hurt them very badly. Some of them I hurt by choice... Even though some of them I thought I was helping. When it comes to people. Including myself. I can't tell who's good or who's bad. Or if that's even the point. ... Just... As you grow. Keep an open mind. It's something I never did.
Buddy: ... ... ... Protecting weeds? Digging up seeds? Open mind...? I don't want anyone messing with my head. You're crazy... Stealing was a bad idea.
Brad: That's right. This whole little trick you pulled is going to cost you. Was it worth the sacrifice?
Buddy: ... I haven't lost anything yet...
Brad: Just you wait. No more games. No more holding back on your training. You want to grow up so fast? Fine, I'll help you grow. Horse stance will help--
Buddy: Help me grow into a flower?
Brad: ... Sure, smartass. A big flower... With VERY strong roots."
- ―
- The Marty Epilogue is the only mention of Marty in the entirety of LISA: THE JOYFUL.
- There's some speculation that the unidentified person in the Normal Epilogue is Mrs. Yado, the corpse of the woman in LISA: THE PAINFUL's Joy Lab.
- In Definitive Edition, during the fight with the hallucination of Brad, the second sprite used of him is instead facing forward, topless. This was later updated to the old sprite of Brad holding Joy.
Area 1 Crossroads • Aurora Town • Nern's Cliff • Orphanage • New Roads • Playground • Joy Factory • Area 1/2 Transition | ||
Area 2 Crossroads • Roulette • Construction • Body Path • Muscle Cave • Bob's Dojo • Muddy Waters • The Beehive • Fishman Town • Skull Town • Nice Homes • Joy Lab • Wally's • Garbage Island • Resort Island • Dismal Island • Area 2/3 Transition | ||
Area 3 Crossroads • EWC • Mike's Cargo • The Devil's Bathhouse • Bloodmoon Mountain • Holly Wood • Snow Mountain • Riders • Stone Village | ||
Pre-Area 1 • The List • Area 1 Crossroads • Lardy's Truck • Vega Land • Pacifist Village • Village One • Lower Crossroads • Joy Lab | ||
Area 2 Crossroads • Terry's House • Larry's Mode • Dice's House • Green's House • Sindy Road • Big Lincolns • Ending (Joyful) |