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Due to The Flash vaporizing most of civilization, many inhabitants of Olathe have formed gangs for mutual protection and survival. Many of them are outwardly hostile towards other denizens, many are neutral until provoked, but very few are entirely peaceful.

List of Gangs in PAINFUL[]

Rando Army[]

The Rando Army is one of, if not the strongest gang in Olathe, and deserves to be called an 'army'. While not adhering to any particular dress code, the army is known for their red and blue coloring, frequently accompanied by red skull motifs.


Sugar Boy Drifters[]

They are the first gang Brad encounters. Sugar Mountain will send his gang to find Buddy, but later, are found dead by Brad. Sugar Mountain himself must be defeated in order to progress.


Joy Boys[]

The Joy Boys are a gang that are encountered multiple times in the game. As the name suggests, their main goal is to sell Joy. All of them wear pinkish masks that have beady eyes and a big grin, while some members have 1 or 2 arms missing. All of them don't speak with Brad, except for their leader, Buzzo, and a lone man with a striped shirt.


  • Buzzo (Leader)
  • Several unnamed men

Road Scholars[]

The Road Scholars are a group of bandits that will attack Brad as he leaves Factory Town for the first time. They will either force Brad to give them all of his mags, or he will have to fight them. Given the area of Factory Town and the likelihood that it is one of the first peaceful areas Brad will visit, it is likely that this will be a very tough fight. Giving them all your mags will cause them to leave the village alone, but if you attempt and lose the fight, they will take all your mags and murder all the Factory Town NPCs, including possible party member Mad Dog had he not been recruited yet.

If you don't have enough mags, Crack Ripper will say: "You barely got shit! Let's wreck this guy!" then proceed to fight you and kill all NPCs in Factory Town.

All members are shirtless and with the exception of Harley, have stylish black hair.


Blue Rockets[]

One of the major gangs of Area 1, the Blue Rockets are the first gang that pose an active threat to Brad: If he and his party sleep at a campfire, there is a chance that the Rockets will kidnap a member of Brad's party. If they do, Brad can either pay them 100 mags and regain the party member, or fight and kill them resulting in the kidnapped member's death.
Completing this event or reaching Area 2 will remove the Blue Rockets from the game.

They wear blue Gi with red lapel, green belts and wear headwear.


Banana Splitz[]

A passive gang that pride themselves on their clothing, which is yellow shawls/ponchos with green dots.


  • Man with green flattop (Possible Leader)
  • Six unnamed men
  • Unnamed shop keeper

Wyatt's Sports Team[]

A gang of footballers and hammer men that are practicing to fight Buff Van Dyke's team. Although the footballers wear different colored football helmets, their gang wear orange ponchos.



A cult who worship Wally. They are neutral towards Brad, but will try to fight him if he attempts to go up the mountain to face Wally.

All members wear yellow shawls. Chris and Mark have red bowties and hats.


Pretty Boys[]

The resident enemy gang of Area 2. There is a possibility that they will kidnap one of Brad's party members when resting, and Brad must pay 200 mags to pay them back or else they will execute the party member and fight Brad.

The Pretty Masks wear black bandanas and pink feather boas that cover their arms.


The Bees[]

Queen Roger and The Bees rule The Beehive, which was named after by them. They work as prostitutes to satisfy Olathian Males's urges. Queen Roger will join Brad's gang after he helps him out, but the gang will not disband, and stays in the Beehive for the rest of the game.

They mostly wear red bikinis with what seems to be fishnet tights. Some members wear black thongs. While the man on the roof has a blue bikini.


Gale Motorcycle Club[]

The resident enemy gang of Area 3. Just like the Blue Rockets and Pretty Boys, they will kidnap one of Brad's party members at night, but it is impossible to pay them back since when Brad gets to their area after the kidnapping, Rex Thunderstorm, now turned into a Joy Mutant, will have killed the entire gang and the party member as well. Defeating Rex Thunderstorm will prevent the kidnapping from ever happening again.

Their name may be a reference to the biker enemies from Streets of Rage 2, who all had weather-themed names (such as Gale and Storm) and who dressed much like the Gale Motorcycle Club do.

They have red helmets, shoulder pads and cloves, a black and white leather jacket and a blue undershirts.


  • Rex Thunderstorm (Leader)
  • Seven unnamed bikers (all dead after mutation of Rex Thunderstorm).

Bloodmoon Tribe[]

The Bloodmoon Tribe rules the Bloodmoon Mountain. They will try to stop Brad and his gang from cutting down the last Bloodmoon tree.

They wear red and white striped tank tops and headbands with fathers at the back.


The Gents[]

The Gents don't seem to stay in one area, though they do seem to follow Brad and his gang in order to torment them. While Chris Columbo is never fought, it is mandatory to kill the rest of The Gents in order to progress through the story.

They wear red shawls.


Salvation Rangers[]


The Schoolboy Shufflers[]

The Schoolboy Shufflers are a harmless gang found in New Roads. They provide Brad access to an Inn and Firebombs.

They wear brown shawls with the exception of the inn keeper, who has a towel.


  • Man with green mohawk (Leader)
  • Four unnamed members
  • Unnamed innkeeper

Olathe Stampedes[]

A small gang found nearing the time of a Snowy Mountain lead by ex-Pro football player Buffalo "Buff" Van Dyke.

Their attire consists of dusty brown shawls with white trims, black body suits and red belts with gold buckles. Buff himself wears red shoulder pads with spikes.


Devil's Bath Boys[]

A small gang of what seems to be Yakuza that reside in a bathhouse dig into a mountain. Their leader has the power of water manipulation. Everyone but Han and Yo have English-sounding first names, while having Japanese last names, meaning that the gang is mostly an Asian-American gang.

They are all shirtless, revealing tattoos that covers their shoulders and half of their pecks, along with wearing red karate belts and some wear puffy black pants.


Hollywood Gang[]

A gang that rule a big patch of land lead by Hawk Hollywood. Although the gang members follow Hawk, they openly dislike him, presumably because of his narcissism.

They have no dress code.


List of Gangs in JOYFUL[]

Warlords of Olathe[]

Bolo's Gang[]

Bolo and his gang attempt to capture Buddy to molest her but later slaughtered by a Joy Mutant. Only 3 members were killed on screen and the rest is unknown. Bolo then appears again after defeating 5 warlords of Olathe.

They don't have a dress code or colors.


  • Bolo (Leader)
  • Several unnamed members

Short Grass Playerz[]

Lenny Luigal and his gang are seen after Buddy choose to trust Rando or not. Buddy and Rando will run into them as they finish killing a Joy Mutant. Lenny is seen injured and one of his men will mention to him that Buddy and Rando appeared. Lenny will say "Rando! and the Lil' lassy! Hooo, shit! Sorry Rando, buddy. We ain't passin' this up..." if Buddy is unmasked, but will say "Rando! and lil' fuckin' Rando?! Huh? Your voice? No wonder this boy never speaks. You think I'm fuckin' stupid?! We ain't over lookin' that lil' Randy-o on ya shouldas! Quit foolin'! It's the girl, fellas! Get 'er!" if masked. Either way, Lenny and his gang must all be killed to progress.

All members except Lenny Luigal wear various green pieces of clothing.


The Unics[]

The Unics kidnaps Buddy and Rando after they find The List. They seem to know Rando himself, and later Mr. Beautiful will mention them. It is later found out that Rando arranged the kidnapping, possibly with Mr. Beautiful. Buddy will kill The Unics off-screen except for Bob Friday as he runs away, but he is later found dead as a Joy Mutant.

They wear pink ponchos, shawls and gis with white.

Their group name seems to be an alternate spelling of Eunuchs. Their job positions may reference the real life age old practice of having eunuchs guard women related to or owned by nobility in secluded areas.[2] This would make sense as they are entrusted to guard Buddy, a very important girl, hiding her away from the rest of humanity under Rando's orders. Whether or not they have actually castrated themselves to earn their positions is not directly evident.


The Band[]

A group of musicians and dancers named 'Winner, Winner What's Four Dinner Boys', who will only play music peacefully, unless Buddy removes her mask near them. They are located to the right of the bar in a small village in Joyful Area 1. If you stay long enough, each member will start to perform with the music. The music they play is called 'Winner, Winner What's Four Dinner Boys'.

The main 4 wear green shawls and a poncho with some red and most wear glasses. While the dancers have standard Bee bikinis and fishnets.


Not really Gangs[]

These are not really gangs, but they have similar traits to ones.

Eternal Wrestling Championship[]

A group of Wrestlers that fight each other for the entertainment of others.


Wrestle Villagers[]

A group of people that leave in tents located between the EWC and "The Devil's Machine".

These people wear dark green shawls with hoods. With the exception being a shop keeper who looks exactly like the Schoolboy Shufflers' inn keeper.


  • Several unnamed men
  • Unnamed shop keeper
  • Man with blue headwear that warns you of The Devil

