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Lisa RPG Wiki
Joined you after a destiny deciding bowel movement. He's just a regular guy.
Party Member
Full Name Percy Pete Monsoon
Nickname Percy
Class Pushover
Equip Types
Weapon Types Boomerang
Armor Types Shawl / Accessory / Bald
Skill Types Skills
Target Rate 100%
Evasion 5%
Hit Rate 95%
Crit Chance 3%
"Okay Percy... Nobody's watching, it's okay... Time to make a movement. Just remember what Dad taught you. ... Choo-choo! Here comes the train! Chugga, chugga chugga... Oh? Teehee! What's that lil' tickle? What's goin' on back there? DEAR GOD! KILL IT!!!! EEEEEEH! "

Percy is a Party Member found in the Area 1/2 Transition after fateful bowel movement and a run in with a spider. He's an astoundingly average man, with unusual bowel problems.


Name: Percy Pete Monsoon

Fighting Art: None

Past Occupation: Children's Tee Ball Coach

Likes: Comic Books

Favorite Food: Instant Noodles

Most Hated Thing: Confrontation

Who cares.



Percy Pete Monsoon is a balding, olive-skinned man of an ambiguous ethnic background, he has eyes that are constantly shut, except for occasions in which he is extremely frightened, like the screenshot of his reaction to the spider, and a tall, thin nose with a small mustache beneath his lips, he also has a constant blush on his cheeks. As for his clothing, Percy wears a poncho like nearly every inhabitant of Olathe, with his being a lime green, and a black pair of pants.


Not much is known about Percy Monsoon's personality, except for his near normalcy. What few unique traits he does possess however, are his unique morning ritual and his severe arachnophobia, as well as his impulsive decision to join Brad Armstrong simply because he squished the spider that terrorized him. He seems quite aware of his remarkable mediocrity as his level up quote suggests, and his ultimate reason for fighting Brad in the end is for "the chance to do something with [his] life.", insighting that he truly only wants the noteriety of having done something notable, like being the one to save humanity- so to speak. Percy's unremarkability is so strong that not even his bio cares to divulge who he is, blatantly admitting "Who cares." in the story section. Little is known about Percy's past simply because it's most likely so horrendously boring that nobody cares to learn about it. Percy is in essence, a background character given one shot at the spotlight.


Percy is found in the Area 1/2 Transition relieving himself in, what he thinks is, privacy.

Upon Brad's arrival, a spider sneaks up on Percy and Brad takes it upon himself to squash the spider with a single step.

Once the spider has been "defeated", Percy will join Brad's party.

It's impossible to leave the area without killing the spider, unless you use the Truck Keys, but upon returning he is still there and, although invisible, the spider is still there and can still be crushed, and must be in order to progress.


Percy can be described as a very average party member. Percy's main advantage is his ability to launch decently strong fire moves while giving the party some surprisingly strong healing support by encouraging them. He can also do up to 7,000 damage if paired up with Birdie and his Gasoline Spit move.

Percy's main drawback is that he doesn't have any abilities that make him stand out from the other party members, he is literally the standard for what you look for in a very average ally. He's great to keep around in the middle of the game, but not someone you would keep for your final party.


Skill Name Description Level Learned MP Cost
Body Splash A flying body splash. 1 10
Encourage A thumbs up from the bottom of your heart. Recovers HP. 2 20
Fire Ball A blast of flaming emotion. 10 20
Big Body Splash A fully commited flying body splash. 15 10
Encourage Greatly An unquestionably genuine thumbs up. Recovers HP. 20 40
Big Fire Ball A blast of flaming emotion. 25 20


Statistics analysis

Core Statistics
12 1078 216 25 28 22 45 60 39

Battle Quotes[]

Win Quotes[]

Level Quotes[]

Drop Quotes[]

  • So this is my life now?
  • I wish I had hair...
  • Do you like spiders? Not me...
  • Can a man so lame even level up?
  • Oh... Look... Stuff.

Campfire Dialogue[]


Default Equipment[]



  • Body Splash and Big Body Splash cost the same amount of SP, being 10. Meaning once Percy reaches level 15, Body Splash becomes obsolete.


  • Percy's moves were likely recycled from Rick, as he was playable in the Kickstarter Demo; the two share the same attacks but many were renamed. Examples include "Pep Talk" and "Flying Body Press," which would become "Encourage" and "Body Splash," respectively. The attack, "Fireball," would remain unchanged. The only attack that is absent in the game is Rick's "Midnight Eclipse," one in which Rick would moon an enemy to confuse them.
  • Percy is one of 4 characters that Brad needs to add to his party in order to progress, the other 3 being Terry, Fardy, and Buffalo.
  • Percy and Mad Dog both have the same favorite food
  • Percy is referred to as "Jolly" several times throughout the game's files.
  • Percy levels up quicker then other, meaning if you leave all optional enemies alive in area 1, he could be at level 25 by the final minutes of area 2.
  • Percy was originally going to be "the girl" at the Men's Hair Club in place of Fardy.
  • Amusingly, Percy and Mad Dog of all people share the same favorite food.
  • Percy's butt shot from his bio art makes up the image for locked Steam achievements, including a special red variant for difficult ones.

    (I mean, he's got the ass for it.)

Steamwebhelper OOC3jRZU5U

This is Percy's true claim to fame.
