Lisa RPG Wiki

Skills are the techniques employed by party members, enemies, and the player himself in LISA: THE PAINFUL and LISA: THE JOYFUL. They are the main way of dealing damage to the opponent, buffing or debuffing, and healing or restoring SP/TP as well. All party members boast unique skillsets, whether it's Olan Hoyt's archery-based attacks, Birdie Hall spitting up alcohol, or Bo Wyatt's magical songs.


Using Skills[]

Almost all skills use either SP or TP, and even the source of a skill can drastically alter the way you use a character. SP generally works like MP in a traditional RPG game. The user of the skill exhausts a given amount of SP in order to use it, and if they don't have the necessary SP, they can't use that skill.

TP works a little differently. There aren't nearly as many different ways to recover TP as there are SP, but the one major way is what sets the two apart: TP is recovered when the user gives or receives damage. This can lead to favorable outcomes if a TP user low on TP gets hit by a strong attack. Some TP users are also able to regain it on their own with special skills, such as Birdie Hall's Swig ability.

Combo Dials[]

Some users will use a special skillset called a Combo Dial, in which the player gives an input using the WASD keys in order to chain attacks. Completing certain strings of these attacks, such as inputting WAWA while using Brad's Armstrong Style, will activate a corresponding skill, which in this case would be Machine Gun Fist (if the user has the necessary SP/TP to use that skill as if you were using it through the skill menu)

Combo Dial Users[]

  • Rando: Rando's Armstrong Style (name tentative)

List of Skills[]

This is a list of skills by their unique Skill ID. Note that many skills will seemingly repeat themselves due to a variety of reasons.

Skill ID Skill Name
1 Attack
2 Guard
3 Dual Attack
4 Double Attack
6 Escape
7 Wait
8 Horse Stance
9 Zipper Punches
10 Double Palm Thrust
11 Machine Gun Fist
12 Buster Punches
13 Dropkick
14 Suprise Attack
15 Confusion Song
16 Sleep Breath
17 Sleep Pollen
18 Paralyze Breath
19 Paralyze Stare
20 Bite
21 Poison Bite
22 Bark
23 Vampire
24 Meditate
25 Fire Ball
28 Armstrong Style
29 Zipper Punches
30 Double Palm Thrust
31 Buster Punches
32 Right Punch
33 Left Punch
34 Raise II
35 Poison
36 Blind
37 Silence
38 Confuse
39 Sleep
40 Paralyze
41 Deep Poison Bite
42 Breath Armour
43 Divine Breath
44 Quick Move
45 Curse Weapon
46 Curse Armour
47 Divine Curse
48 Slow Move
49 Life Drain
50 Mana Drain
52 Fire Ball 2
53 Fire Ball 3
54 Fire Ball 4
55 Ice
56 Ice II
57 Blizzard
58 Blizzard II
59 Thunder
60 Thunder II
61 Spark
62 Spark II
63 Water
64 Wave
65 Stone
66 Quake
67 Wind
68 Tornado
69 Saint
70 Starlight
71 Shade
72 Darkness
73 Burst
74 Nuclear
76 Fire Weapon
77 Ice Weapon
78 Thunder Weapon
80 Strong Attack
81 Cleave
82 Berserker's Roar
83 Berserker's Dance
84 Giant's Rampage
85 Tackle 85|Tackle
86 Chakra
87 Tiger Stance
88 No Shadow Kick
89 Claw Dance
90 Cover
91 Provoke
92 Super Guard
93 Restrengthen
94 Zero Storm
95 Aura Blade
96 Dispel
97 Magic Barrier
98 Reinforce
99 Radiant Blade
100 Yoroidoshi
101 Shintou Mekkyaku
102 Hassou
103 Tsubamekaeshi
104 Ouka Mugen jin
105 Weapon Break
106 Armour Break
107 Zero Shadow
108 Triple Shot
109 Thousand Arrows
110 Vanish
111 Flare
112 Thief's Luck
113 Assassin's Edge
114 Valiant Edge
115 Spirit's Blessing
116 Fairy's Breath
117 God's Will
118 Goddess' Embrace
119 Magic Reflect
120 Enhance Spell
121 Nightmare
122 Magic Torrent
123 Magic Pulse
124 Spell Resistance
125 Mana Barrier
127 Armstrong Style
129 Boomerang
130 Right Punch
131 Left Punch
133 Boomerang
134 Fire Ball
135 Body Splash
136 Big Body Splash
137 Encourage
138 Big Fire Ball
139 Encourage Greatly
141 Gainer
142 Groin Kick
143 Big Shock!
144 Truck Slam
145 Strike
149 Swing
150 Many Swings
154 Grin
155 Grope
156 Yell
157 Cry
158 Glare
159 Blood cough
160 Realization
161 Punch
162 Rage build
163 Bottle Throw
164 Firebomb
165 Slice
166 Solid Punch
167 Big Swing
169 Cheer!
170 Attack
171 Inform
172 Hair slick
173 Slice
174 Big slice
175 Fireball
176 Club Strike
177 Shoot
178 Cool Pose
179 Hair whip
181 Club
182 Fireball
183 Big Fireball
184 Hellball
185 Nail Comb
186 Nail Rake
187 Taunt
190 Cock Blast
191 Cock Blast 2
192 Slap
193 Cock Blast 3
194 Cock Blast 4
195 Rolling Gale
196 Rolling Hail
197 Rolling Hurricane
198 Rooster Storm
199 Rooster Apocalypse
201 Loose
202 Big Shot
203 Bomb Arrow
204 Big Bomb Arrow
205 Poison Arrow
206 Deep Poison Arrow
207 Mega Big Shot
208 Rapid Arrow
209 Mega Rapid Arrow
210 Vantage Point
213 Shoot
214 Discuss Techniques
215 Discuss Powers
216 Discuss Health
217 Insult
218 Bore
219 Really Bore
220 Finger Beam
221 Finger Beam 2
222 Finger Beam 3
223 Finger Beam 4
224 Finger Beam 5
225 RAGE
226 Lucha
227 Headbutt
228 Falling Tree Slam
229 Rising Knee
230 Shoulder Tackle
231 Missle Headbutt
232 Running Splash
233 Running Geyser
234 Running Typhoon
235 Head Rush
236 Massive Head Rush
237 Final Head Rush
238 Tackle Rush
239 Meteor Elbow Drop
240 Astro Elbow Drop
254 Double Swipe
255 Intimate Stab
256 Poke
257 Uppercut
258 Beast Slash
266 Tiger Suplex
267 Mongolian Chop
268 Wizard Poke
269 Pray
270 Eat
271 Stomp
272 Kick
273 Gator Clamp
274 Chop
275 Smoke Bomb
276 Scratch
277 Exhuast
278 Ram
279 Out of Control
280 Stall Out
281 Confused
282 Apologizes
283 Exhaust
284 Grasp
285 Laugh
286 Ramble
287 Hide
288 Cross Chop
289 Tsunami Driver
290 Peer
291 Knife Hand
292 Hook Kick
293 Sweep
294 Deer Horn
295 Heaven's Fist
297 Bash
298 Homerun KO
299 Beatdown
300 Big Beatdown
301 Final Beatdown
302 Threaten
307 Slash
308 Fever River
309 Raging Sprinkle
310 Poison Mist
311 Deep Poison Mist
312 Wrist Slash
313 Ankle Slash
314 Hectic Waver
316 Whisper
317 Back Rub
318 Scratch
319 Fever River 2
320 Fever River 3
322 Steel Chair
323 Brain Chop
324 Power Bomb
325 Cosmic Chop
326 Poison Mist
327 Cinderblock
330 Buffalo Charge
331 Stiff Arm
332 Brust Fire
333 Smile
334 Wild Strike
335 Woo
336 Hollywood Hustle
337 Lost in thought
338 Seriously
339 Think
340 Piledriver
341 Dirt Kick
342 Holiday Slam
343 Atlanta Slam
344 Trash Talk
345 Block
346 Block
347 Arrow
349 Big Cheer
350 Strongly Inform
351 Sailing Knuckle
352 Soaring Knuckle
353 Knuckle Voyage
354 The Last Cheer
355 Knuckle Drop
356 Big Knuckle Drop
357 Big Bad Knuckle Drop
358 Verbal Bash
359 Hot Dance
360 The Hottest Dance
361 Super Cool Pose
362 Hype Up
363 Weather Alert
365 Truck Slam
366 Truck Slam 2
367 Truck Slam 3
368 Truck Slam 4
369 Weep
372 X Chop
373 Joyous Fist
375 Finger Beam 6
376 Ghost Story
377 True Ghost Story
378 Dirty Insult
379 Rustle Dropkick
380 Hustle Dropkick
381 Bustle Dropkick
382 Little Cheer
383 Aim
384 Claw Attack
385 Taste Blood
386 Taste
387 Ironbody
388 Familiar Song
389 Scared
390 Run away
391 Horrified
392 Tackle
393 Pump Up
394 Defend Friend
395 Yoke up
396 Graveyard Bomb
397 Decapitate
399 Gouge
400 Needle
401 Sear
402 Hush
403 Rocket Piercer
404 Rocket Skewer
405 Rocket Impaler
406 Finger Beam
407 Finger Beam 2
408 Finger Beam 3
409 Falling Tree
410 Space Hammer
411 Universe Hammer
412 Abyssal Hammer
414 Jam Out
415 Note 1
416 Note 2
417 Note 3
418 Note 4
419 Siren's Call
420 Muscle Call
421 Dullard's Call
422 Hell's Call
423 God's Call
424 Unhearable Call
425 Screeching Call
431 Dropkick
432 Fire Ball
433 Bite
434 Headbutt
435 Killer Headbutt
436 Homerun Head Slide
437 Cannonball
445 Dropkick
446 Fire Ball
447 Bite
448 Headbutt
449 Killer Headbutt
450 Homerun Head Slide
451 Cannonball 451
486 Peck
487 Super Peck
488 Ultra Peck
489 ?
490 Magnificent Peck
491 Poison Peck
492 Deep Poison Peck
493 Paralyzing Peck
494 Flightless Bird
499 Puke
500 Cart Slam
501 Cart Slam 2
502 Cart Slam 3
503 Drive-By
504 Cart Slam 4
505 Super Puke
508 Swig
509 Drinks on Me!
510 Gasoline Spit
511 Lil' Diddy
512 Pass Out
513 Drunkard Tumble
514 Drunkard Tumble 2
515 Drunkard Tumble 3
516 Drunkard Tumble 4
517 Secret Stash
518 Destiny Poke
519 Bike Slam
522 Legal Jargin
523 Wrongful Accusation
524 Slander
525 Restraining Order
526 Shoot
527 Water Gun
528 Water Gun 2
529 Water Gun 3
530 Soak
535 Million Cutter
536 Slash 536
537 Hot Cutter
538 Wet Cutter
545 Party Foul
546 Machine Gun Thrust
547 Big Machine Gun Thrust
548 Gainer
549 Party Time!
550 Party Pose
551 Rager Pose
552 Headspin
553 Perfect Headspin
554 Final Party Time
555 Boomerang
558 Beauty
559 Nectar
560 Leaf
561 Petal
562 Thorn
563 Desperado Kick
564 Great Desperado Kick
565 Final Desperado Kick
566 Thigh Cracker
567 Thigh Crusher
568 Thigh Crippler
569 Magnificent Pose
570 Ravishing Point
571 Ravishing Knife
572 Burning Eagle
573 Needle Shower
574 Needle Typhoon
575 Needle Tsunami
577 Tackle
578 American Tornado
579 Savage Rush
580 Boulder Screw
581 Barbaric Rush
582 Rubble Screw
583 Satan Rush
584 Mountain Screw
585 Lumberjack Tackle
586 Patriot Exploder
591 Coin Flick
592 Shoot
593 Bullet Tap
594 Clip Dump
595 Bullet Shuffle
596 Bullet Dance
597 Bullet Ballet
598 Bullet Tornado
599 Heads or Tails
603 Spear Work
604 Poke
605 Uppercut
606 Stab
607 Double Swipe
608 Pinwheel Slash
609 Wood Pecker Pokes
610 Fly Swatter
611 Paintbrush
612 Red Tide
616 Triple Tap
617 Dancing Serpent
618 Bullet Saw
619 Dancing Dragon
620 Bullet Guillotine
621 Dancing Devil
622 Weird Powder
623 Flash Powder
624 Sleep Powder
625 Sister's Kiss
630 JACK
631 Card Toss
632 Trick Card
633 Juggle
634 Levitate
635 Magic Hat
636 Magic Hat
637 Magic Hat
638 Magic Hat
639 Magic Hat
640 Magic Hat
641 Magic Hat
642 Magic Hat
643 Magic Hat
644 Magic Hat
645 Magic Hat
646 Magic Hat
647 Magic Hat 2
648 Magic Hat 3
649 Magic Hat 4
650 Mystic Juggle
651 Wizardly Juggle
654 Clothesline
655 Flail
656 Lights Out
657 Frogsplash
658 Showboat
660 Lights Out Forever
661 Bear Hug
662 Senton Bomb
663 Scary Clothesline
664 Terrifying Clothesline
665 Hideous Clothesline
666 Brain Removal
670 Slash
671 Three Wishes
672 Lioness's Fury
673 Fluffy Wuffy
674 Purrfect
675 Judgement
676 Curse Slash
677 Wrath of the Wind
678 Cat Lick
679 Bad Mews
680 BloodStained Blade
681 Kat's Gone
683 Dirty Stab
684 Risky Drawing
685 Uncomfortable Drawing
686 Perplexing Drawing
687 Questionable Drawing
688 Unspeakable Drawing
689 Agreeable Drawing
690 Artistic Discussion
691 Creepy Drawing
692 Critters Gone
694 Whip
695 Critter Bite
696 Paralyzing Whip
697 Stampede
698 Whip Flurry
699 Critter Clamp
700 Whip Flurry
701 Big Stampede
702 Bite
703 Deer Toss
704 Big Bite
705 Deer Bomb
706 Deer Driver
707 Big Deer Driver
708 Final Deer Driver
709 Honey, I'm Home!
711 Bag Swat
712 Bag Fire
713 Bag Flames
714 Bag Inferno
715 Bag Flash
716 Bag of What
717 Bag of What
718 Savage Elbow
719 Savage Elbow 2
720 Savage Elbow 3
721 Sleeper Hold
722 Nightmare Hold
726 Suprise Attack
731 Cannonball
732 Tackle
733 Headbutt
734 Charging Headbutt
735 Head Slide
736 Homerun Head Slide
743 Armstrong Style
744 Suprise Attack 744
745 Pea Gun Fist
746 Bite
747 Right Punch
748 Palm Thrust
749 Dropkick
750 Fire Ball
751 Fire Ball 2
752 Fire Ball 3
753 Fire Ball 4
754 Cannonball 754
755 Tackle
756 Headbutt
757 Charging Headbutt
758 Head Slide
759 Homerun Head Slide
760 Horse Stance
762 Suprise Attack
763 Bite
764 Dropkick
765 Fire Ball
766 Fire Ball 2
767 Fire Ball 3
768 Fire Ball 4 768
769 Cannonball
770 Tackle
771 Headbutt
772 Charging Headbutt
773 Head Slide
774 Homerun Head Slide
775 Horse Stance
778 Bite
779 Bite
780 Bite
781 Dropkick
782 Dropkick
783 Dropkick
784 Fire Blast
785 Fire Blast
786 Fire Blast
787 Charging Headbutt
788 Charging Headbutt
789 Charging Headbutt
790 Burning Head Slide
791 Burning Head Slide
792 Burning Head Slide
793 Cry
794 Cry
795 Cry
796 Scream
797 Scream
798 Scream
803 Rando Bomb
804 Rando Buster
805 Rando Stab
806 Clip Dump
807 Stall
809 Neck Break
810 Heart Squeeze
811 Fatal Chomp