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Lisa RPG Wiki
Tiger Man
A strange man whose only desire is fighting the strongest of fighters.
Party Member
Full Name Lincoln Townsend
Nickname Tiger Man
Class Dojo Buster
Equip Types
Weapon Types Spear
Armor Types Accessory / Tiger Head / Poncho
Skill Types Skills
Target Rate 200%
Evasion 5%
Hit Rate 95%
Lock Equip Head
Joy Addict
―Tiger Man

Tiger Man is a Party Member found in Bob's Dojo and joins Brad's party after he defeats him.


Name: Lincoln Townsend "Tiger Man"

Fighting Art: Qiang Shu

Past Occupation: Wushu Player

Likes: Strong Fighters, Kung Fu Movies

Favorite Food: Beef Fried Rice

Most Hated Thing: Weaklings

Lincoln lived in the Ghettos of Olathe his whole life. He grew up idolizing the heroes in martial arts movies. He was fortunate enough to find an authentic Wushu instructor in his neighborhood. The harshness he endured is what most would consider child abuse, but to him it was a way of life. This training is what molded him into the no-nonsense, fight-hungry monster he is today.

Appearance and Personality[]

Tiger Preview2

Tiger is a man with the head of a tiger and a green poncho. He doesn't take part in speech and is always looking for a fight to prove himself.

How to Invite to Party[]

Tiger Preview

Tiger can be found holding up Bob's Dojo, found around Area 2. To travel to Bob's, walk though the top door in Area 2. Head to the end of the cave, walking past Birdie Hall, and you will reach Bob's.

Once in Bob's Dojo, defeat Tiger Man, and he will join Brad's party. He has 27000 HP; however, he has a 200% multiplier against Animal damage. Due to this, Beastborn may be a good choice in his battle.

Tiger bomb

WARNING: If you give the two men on the east side of Area 2 your TNT, they will blow up Bob's Dojo along with all NPCs and possible party members Yazan Barghouti and Jack. In order to avoid them, head to the top door of Area 2, jump down, and you'll be able to travel over them


Tiger Man is a powerful ally with devastating spear attacks, all of which have a high chance to cause bleeding on the target. While a fairly simple and straightforward party member, Tiger Man always dishes out strong damage.

Tiger Man unfortunately suffers from Joy Addiction and succumbs to withdrawal every now and then. Tiger Man is already lacking in HP in comparison to most other allies, but when he suffers withdrawal his max HP plummets further, in addition to his normal attack lowing by a lot, but thing is Tiger is strong enough that his combos may actually do damage, although single digit. Overall Tiger Man can be useful for dealing high damage, but his joy addiction can't be taken lightly.


Skill Name Description Level Learned MP Cost
Double Swipe (ASD) A halfhearted spear move... 15 20
Pinwheel Slash (SAD) A halfhearted spear move... 20 30
Wood Pecker Pokes (AAAA) A halfhearted spear move... 21 35
Fly Swatter (DSA) A halfhearted spear move... 22 40
Paintbrush (ASAD) A halfhearted spear move... 23 50
Red Tide (DASSA) A halfhearted spear move... 24 70


Statistics analysis

Core Statistics
15 831 169 25 27 33 33 89 67

Battle Quotes[]

Win Quotes[]

Level Quotes[]

Drop Quotes[]

  • ...
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Default Equipment[]



  • He wastes a lot of SP, so it's recommended to stock up on Cocola Cola or pair him with a party member that can regenerate SP, such as Nern.


  • He was one of the first party members present in the games files, appearing in the earliest release of LISA: The Painful's beta. Other party members who appeared include Birdie, Stone Ramon, and the unused Hawk. [1]
  • He was named 'Tigre' in the beta release and trailers for the game and had a skill called 'Machine Gun Stab', a skill that may have been adapted for Brad in Machine Gun Fist (but bears a resemblance to Wood Pecker Pokes). In the official release of the game his name was changed to 'Tiger Man' and the 'Machine Gun Stab' move was removed or renamed.
  • Tiger Man and Big Lincoln are connected in some way, [2] most likely by Big Lincoln being the Wushu Master that trained Tiger Man (mentioned in his character bio). This was semi-confirmed in a tweet. [3]
  • Tiger Man would lose in a fight to Big Lincoln. [4]
  • He is the only party member that can wield a spear.
  • Tiger Man's inclusion in the trailer, beta release and some promotional material might indicate that he had a more significant role earlier in development.
  • In the art-book sprite compilation there is an unused sprite of Tiger Man without his poncho, revealing that he's buff, dark-skinned, and has scars covering his body.
  • His final move, Red Tide, is likely a reference to the Crossing of the Red Sea, in a similar fashion to the gun Crimson Tide.
  • It's implied through the description of his head equip that he may not be wearing a mask at all. He shares this trait with Carp.
  • He was not originally the Dojo Buster. [5]
  • Tiger Man is almost completely mute. The one exception is if he's in your 2nd character slot before Rando Land, where he'll merely say "The girl is ours." after his usual "...".

