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Lisa RPG Wiki
Battler Wally
Enemy information
HP 6000 ATK 400
SP 200 DEF 50
SATK 25 AGI 99
Exp 1000 Mags 0
HIT * 95% Attack Element: Physical
Collapse Effect: Boss Fire * 50%
State Resist: Fallen Scared * 50%
State Resist: Stun
Scratch Always 5
Grasp Always 5
Laugh Always 3
Grope Always 3
Battler Wally Crack
Enemy information
HP 8000 ATK 130
SP 200 DEF 10
SATK 25 AGI 99
Exp 1000 Mags 0
HIT * 95% Attack Element: Physical
Collapse Effect: Boss Fire * 50%
State Resist: Fallen Scared * 50%
Stun * 50%
Eat When HP is between 0% - 20% 2
Scratch Always 5
Grasp Always 5
Grope Always 3
Laugh Always 3
Battler Wally End
Enemy information
HP 5000 ATK 500
SP 200 DEF 1
SATK 25 AGI 99
Exp 1000 Mags 0
HIT * 95% Attack Element: Physical
Collapse Effect: Boss State Resist: Fallen
Scared * 50% State Resist: Stun
Eat When HP is between 0% - 20% 3
Scratch Always 5
Grasp Always 3
Blood cough Always 3
Neck Break Always 1
""Welcome to Wally's. Don't! Please, I want to just die!"
―Wally before fighting Brad

Wally is a supporting antagonist in LISA: THE PAINFUL RPG.


Implied to be a former mascot-costume-wearing employee, by the time the game takes place, Wally is a tortured and mutilated man who is begging for death and acting as the deity of a small village, bestowing meals whenever requested by the microphone found near the base of the mountain.


  • Wally's (in the second room of the restaurant)


  • Wally is arguably the most difficult mandatory boss-fight in the entire game; the only bosses which are even more difficult are optional, such as Satan and Beady (unless playing on Pain Mode, in which case the mandatory battles against Herb and Hawk may outclass Wally). Wally's fight is divided into three phases: the first (where his mask is intact), the second (where his mask has been cracked), and the third (where several parts of his mask have broken off, revealing red flesh).
    • Wally has a total of 19,000 HP throughout these phases (for comparison, Peter has 17,000 HP, Beady has 20,000 HP, and Satan has 80,000 HP), as well as an ATK stat which rivals Peter's. Wally is also one of the only enemies in the entire game that can inflict Depression (a crippling status debuff), and the move that does so (Laugh) targets all of his opponents, and has a chance of inflicting Scared as well.
      • Wally is even resistant to Fire Damage in his first two phases (fortunately, he loses it for his third) and is almost completely immune to Stun (except for his second phase, where he is 50% resistant to it). Choosing to fight Wally early is not recommended.


  • Throughout the fight, Wally's mask cracks and pieces of it break off. Although his entire face is never seen, the edges are shown to have a red and fleshy texture, similar to raw hamburger meat.
  • Wally has a fairly high ATK stat in his first phase. His second phase has a lower, more average ATK stat, but in his final phase, his ATK stat is even higher than his first.


  • Throughout the Wally Village, Wally's laughter can occasionally be heard very faintly.
  • Wally's appearance is seemingly based off of Jack Box, the primary mascot of Jack in the Box, an American fast-food restaurant chain.
    • Both of these characters have white skin, blue eyes (Jack has beady eyes, while Wally has yellow eyes with blue pupils), red lips and wear a hat.
  • It is possible that Wally is suffering from necrotizing soft tissue infection, which has essentially caused his skin and flesh to decay while he is still alive. This may also be the source of the meat that he gives to the residents of the village.
  • Wally's laugh is sampled from the 1986 action-drama movie Top Gun. The sound file is a heavily-distorted audio-recording of a scene where one of the characters, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, laughs hysterically. (Source)
  • A possible explanation for Wally's red and fleshy skin could be that he was transforming into a Joy Mutant from inside of the costume, which caused his epidermis to fuse with his helmet's material. As the fight progresses, several pieces of his helmet break off, and, as the helmet breaks off, it tears Wally's skin off along with it, revealing the bloody inner-layers of his flesh.
  • Once Wally has been killed, the microphone at the bottom of the mountain will no longer be answered, and all of Wally's followers will vanish. The men inside of the cave to Wally's, however, remain.
  • Wally's final phase's move-set contains Neck Break. However, due to a programming-quirk, he is unable to ever use it in-game.
  • The music heard during the fight against Wally is "My Lord, My Wally".